Biological methanisation is a promising technology that is capable to convert biogas from anaerobic digestion or syngas from thermochemical gasification into a methane rich gas. in comparision to catalytical methanisation, the technology is robust in terms of sensititivy for contaminants, relatively simple and therefore suitable to operate on relatively small scale.

Together with the German company MicrobEnergy, ProBiomass has explored the possibilities of applying biological methanisation in combination with supercritical gasification of sewage sludge, as currently developed in the project SUPERSLUDGE. Both theoretical work and experimental work was performed, on bench scale and in a pilot plant.
The technology has the advantage that the composition of the syngas, which is already rich in CO2 and H2, can be shifted further towards methane. The gas becomes available at high pressure from the process and therefore has the potential to be directly converted to synthetic natural gas (SNG).
The project was funded by Gasterra and Stowa.
Download the report here